Jeff Gaeckle
Jeff Gaeckle has nearly three decades of experience in seagrass ecology, monitoring and restoration in the northwestern Atlantic and northeastern Pacific. He co-leads a multi-faceted team of scientists that monitor and investigate stressors to seagrass and kelp throughout Washington State to guide project development and management policies. His research focuses on improvements to seagrass restoration success and understanding climate effects on seagrass resilience.Alyssa Novak
Alyssa Novak is research faculty at Boston University. She works in a variety of temperate and tropical coastal ecosystems with a focus on seagrass ecology, blue carbon storage, and restoration. She has won the EPA merit award and NOAA Nancy Foster Scholar award for her work with seagrasses. Alyssa serves as seagrass specialist for the International Union for Conservation of Nature and is actively involved in monitoring SeagrassNet sites in New England and Belize.