Underwater view of a vibrant seagrass meadow with long, green blades swaying gently in clear blue water, showcasing a thriving marine ecosystem.


Global collaboration for seagrass science,
conservation, and restoration.

Our Mission

To empower scientists, managers, and volunteers in monitoring and understanding seagrass ecosystems through coordination, training, and data solutions.

Our Vision

An inclusive network building scientific understanding to better and more effectively conserve, restore, and raise awareness of seagrasses across the globe.

Our Vision

An inclusive network building scientific understanding to better and more effectively conserve, restore, and raise awareness of seagrasses across the globe.

Our Values

SeagrassNet is a diverse global community that shares a singular passion for seagrasses. We value all perspectives, backgrounds, and levels of training and recognize the unique contributions that each participant can bring to strengthen the network and its mission. We encourage the free and open exchange of ideas and data towards a better understanding of seagrass ecosystems and their protection and restoration.
Global Seagrass Map

Global Presence

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